When we had our first child in 2004, we used to go out camping in a simple tent and we would put up with the elements if we had too. By the arrival of our third kid in 2010, we felt a tent would not longer cut it, and we thought an RV would suit our lifestyle better. May 2012 was the month when our very first travel trailer arrived home, a nice
Jayco x213 2011, less than a year old.

Funny thing is back when, we did things backwards. We bought the trailer without a proper tow vehicle, fully aware we'd have to get one, as our Sienna 2004 was not up to the task of pulling our newly acquired 4500 pound heavy trailer!! A week later, we had a shiny F-150, bright red, and our first camping trip was right around the corner.
Travelling with kids and a travel trailer can make for fun times and great memories, but it can also prove frustrating if one is not properly organized, at least up to our own standards.
Being the tinkerer that I am, it did not take long for me to find things to improve on the trailer, things that were missing or not up to specs.
I am naturally curious and like challenges. This blog covers the different mods I have engaged in over the years. It goes from adding an extra bunk bed, led lights, digital thermostat, shelves, 6v batteries, solar system, inverter and so on.
This blog aims at capturing how I did it, and the steps I took, along with the fun I had doing it.
I hope it can help inspire some people out there.
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