If you have heard of evaporative coolers, you know they work best in environments where humidity is quite low, because it uses water evaporation principles to cool air. Places where there is dry heat like Texas are great for such evaporative cooler, or swamp coolers if you will, and they usually use 1/8th of the electrical power an average A/C unit uses.
I did some research on the web and came about many suggested designs. I ended up deciding on a very easy one, made with a simple 5 gallon bucket, a 12v fan, a 12v pump and a humidifier pad.
Not too complicated to put together in a few hours, and it really works! I was able to get air out of the cooler at 15 C when ambient temperature in my house my 23C. Sure it would not be strong enough to cool my house, but in a small RV, it may provide some relief.
Here is a video detailing how I made it.
Thanks for sharing the excellent blog! Amazing model and designs. If you want to buy a swamp cooler in Indore. Visit our website.