List of my MODS

Other RV related mods

Led lighting

If there is an easy RV mod to do, this is it! Changing a few bulbs is something anyone can do in a few minutes. Why do it though? First and foremost, bulbs that are usually installed at the factory will be of the incandescent or the halogen type, and as such, produce a lot of heat at the same time as emitting light. This is on top of using a lot of energy, so the benefits of upgrading to led bulbs is doubled, no heat and much more efficient! Nowadays, led bulbs can be found just about everywhere, and prices have gone down in great fashion. Ebay is always a great place to find all sorts of led bulbs, including the kind that may be hard to find otherwise. There are also other online stores that sell them. I've bought most of mine from for a very reasonable price. One word of advice though, before you order a full batch of them, you want to ensure that they are of the right type, and of the color you look for. Led light can typically be more of a cold (blue) color, so you need to look for specific warm white if you want to get bulbs that replicate the color of halogen or incandescent lighting. Something that states below 3500K should do the trick. I usually order of few of each of the ones I am considering to make sure I like the color and the brightness. This way, I have successfully replaced most of my 16 watts bulbs by 1 or 2 watt led bulb, producing way less heat at a much lower draw. This is important for people that are avid boondockers (camping without any services) I have recently ordered a led light strip that I can put underneath my trailer, so that I can get lighting at night when arriving at a location, or for mood lighting. These strips can be attached directly to the underside of the trailer and given they are waterproof, should be pretty maintenance free. At a mere 23 watts for the entire strip, I won't be draining the batteries much at night if they are kept on for 2-3 hours. I do plan however to hook them in through a led dimmer, so that I could dim them for mood lighting. That would bring the 23 watts down further if I did. Will post pics when I have done the mod.

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